Monday, December 19, 2011

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

I cannot believe that it is only one week until Christmas! My holiday shopping is done, wrapped and under the tree. My baking is (almost) done. I have a week full of holiday parties.

Does it get any better?

The holiday season is in full swing which means ....the end of 2011 is almost here and as 2011 comes to a close it is my responsibility to finish dot the I's and cross the T's with our Community Kick Back campaign.

This year you have helped us raise over $35,000 for local Michigan charities. THANK YOU.

As I look back over the list of charities for 2011 I can't help but feel extremely blessed this holiday season.

I feel blessed about things that sometimes (and usually) I take for granted. I have a place I call home, all of my family is here and safe for the holidays and this morning my brother-in-law and his wife (finally) gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

Looking over charities like The Gilda's Club, Helen DeVos and Mott Children's hospital, the Alzheimer Association really put into perspective what is really important in life.

The first few weeks of this month, I'll admit it I was a scrooge. I didn't want to go to parties because I was busy or because I just wanted to stay home.

How blessed are we to be able to have so many family and friend parties? That we have food to take to them?

There are many in our community though who are going through troubled times. Going through a first holiday without a friend or family member, have a child who will spend Christmas in the hospital, can't pay that last bill.

Christmas is a season of hope and giving. West Michigan is such a giving community. I encourage you to help the charities of this community because they do work so hard to help those who are less fortunate.

Thank you so much for all of your support of our campaign this year. You've helped more people than you will ever realize.

Thank you for your Giving hearts and have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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